Respond To The Word.


November 22, 2020

Just Do It, Part 8

We all want happiness. We all want blessing. But a life filled with happiness and blessing is only available to those that actually put God's words into action in their daily living. The Word of God is not just meant to be heard. It’s meant to be responded to and reflected in our lives.

Happiness comes to those who delight themselves in the Word of God and not to self-deceived listeners.
— Pastor Tim Chicola


James 1:22-25

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.


• The Word of God is not just meant to be received. It’s meant to be responded to.

• If the Word of God is not merely given to inform, but reform us, then we must be willing to receive it into our lives.

• Blessed (happy) people will avoid self-deception.

• Like a mirror, the Word of God will reveal an accurate picture of what we look like.

• Like a mirror, the Word of God has a way of clearly revealing those areas in our lives that need attention and improvement.

• Like a mirror, the Word of God will not show you merely what you want to see.

• Like a mirror, the Word of God will not just by looking at it, improve things.

• Blessed (happy) people will embrace obedience.

• Happiness is always and only a byproduct of seeking something else more than happiness.

• The blessings of God come to those who delight themselves in pleasing him, by embracing obedience to him. They are doers of the Word, not self-deceived listeners.

• Question to ask when reading the Bible:

  1. What does this teach me?

  2. What does this show me about God that I can praise him for?

  3. What does this show me about myself that I can confess and repent for?

  4. What does it show me about myself that I need?

Happiness comes to those who delight themselves in the Word of God and not to self-deceived listeners.


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