Rather than baptizing infants or children, The Crossing encourages parents to participate in a short (5-10 minute) ceremony that takes place during our regularly scheduled Sunday morning service. In it the parents formally, through several short questions and responses, ask for the blessing of the Lord upon their little ones, while declaring their desire to raise their child in the ways of the Lord.
The precedent of the ceremony of child dedication can be found in the Bible as in the presentation of Samuel by Hannah. When Samuel was born, Hannah prayed these words:
“For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord,”
Likewise in Luke chapter 2 of the New Testament, following the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to the temple and dedicated Him.
Child Dedication is more than a simple ceremony. It is an opportunity for you to take some time at the beginning of your journey as a parent to really think about what will matter the most in the life of your child. No one will ever have more influence on your child than you! It is our hope that we can partner with you from the very beginning to support you and be your trusted helper as you raise your child to know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.