Posts in purpose
A 2022 To Remember

When it’s all over how do you think you will remember 2022? We can suspect what the coming year will bring, but if we've learned anything over the past few years, none of us really know what’s going to happen. In many ways, we have no control over what will happen in 2022. Yet, there are a few things we can take comfort in to ensure that 2022 will be a year to remember.

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Attacked By The Envious

Everything in David’s life seemed to be coming together. He was instantly a national hero after defeating Goliath; his career was about to skyrocket as he's chosen by God to be the next king of Israel. He was an overnight sensation. Yet, not everyone was excited about all of David's success. Sound familiar? We live in a society fueled by envy, but like in David's life, nothing can derail God's plan for our lives when we pursue His heart.

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Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood?!

Everyone at some point in their lives is searching for purpose. We want to know why we’re here. We want to belong and know that our lives have meaning. Jesus' response in John 6 to this longing, at first glance, is bizarre to say the least. He essentially says, "eat my flesh and drink my blood." Is Jesus speaking literally here? What does this have to do with finding life's purpose?

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