Posts tagged jesus said that
Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood?!

Everyone at some point in their lives is searching for purpose. We want to know why we’re here. We want to belong and know that our lives have meaning. Jesus' response in John 6 to this longing, at first glance, is bizarre to say the least. He essentially says, "eat my flesh and drink my blood." Is Jesus speaking literally here? What does this have to do with finding life's purpose?

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Many Who Think They're Saved...Aren't?!

In Matthew 7, Jesus refers to people who have convinced themselves and others that they will one day see the kingdom of God. They appear in church wreathed in smiles and part of the celebration, but there is no personal life that leads up to it, or out from it. Is it possible that these people are not actually Christians? How can we identify this in someone, or more importantly...ourselves?

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My Disciples Will Hate Their Family?!

Successful people are often relentless people. But success at anything, always comes at a cost. In the same way, Jesus calls us to be His disciples, and it's not without cost. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26) Being a follower of Jesus will cost us something. But do we really need to hate our families?!

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Only The Most Holy Are Saved?!

Any builder worth his salt knows that the most important part of any building is the foundation. The strength, stability, and endurance of the building is completely dependent on the foundation. The same is true for our lives. When the storms of life come, the foundation we build our lives upon will determine whether or not we will endure or, one day, collapse.

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