Posts in gospel
Many Who Think They're Saved...Aren't?!

In Matthew 7, Jesus refers to people who have convinced themselves and others that they will one day see the kingdom of God. They appear in church wreathed in smiles and part of the celebration, but there is no personal life that leads up to it, or out from it. Is it possible that these people are not actually Christians? How can we identify this in someone, or more importantly...ourselves?

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Only The Most Holy Are Saved?!

Any builder worth his salt knows that the most important part of any building is the foundation. The strength, stability, and endurance of the building is completely dependent on the foundation. The same is true for our lives. When the storms of life come, the foundation we build our lives upon will determine whether or not we will endure or, one day, collapse.

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The Resurrection | Easter

The one thing we all want is a fresh start. We all have a yearning to go back and do things a little differently. When Jesus walked out of the grave, he walked out with the promise of real change, in real time, for real people, with real regrets. Resurrection means we can stop regretting, and start living a different kind of life.

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The Purpose | Good Friday

On Jesus’ journey to resurrection, one of his final stops was his crucifixion. While it wasn’t his final destination, it was the most important moment his time on earth was leading up to. We cannot be confronted with his sacrifice and do nothing because love always goes the next step. When we truly understand his love and his sacrifice, then and only then, will we truly begin to change.

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Standing In Awe Of God

There’s something about time and familiarity that causes us to become complacent. Over time, if we’re not careful, our worship can become like this. Our fellowship can become like this and our faith can become like this. It can become religious and routine. Let us seek the one who first sought us. Let us love the one who first loved us. Let us recover our awe of Christ.

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A Commitment To Multiply

Helping people come to, and grow, in a saving knowledge of Christ, is at the heart of what we do as a church. The gospel is too good to keep to ourselves. It welcomes anyone who wants to come in, and runs after those who feel left out. As much as we want close communities here at the Crossing, we can’t have closed communities. There comes a point when a group needs to multiply for the sake of reaching more people for Christ.

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