Posts in community
A Commitment To Multiply

Helping people come to, and grow, in a saving knowledge of Christ, is at the heart of what we do as a church. The gospel is too good to keep to ourselves. It welcomes anyone who wants to come in, and runs after those who feel left out. As much as we want close communities here at the Crossing, we can’t have closed communities. There comes a point when a group needs to multiply for the sake of reaching more people for Christ.

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A Commitment To Love

The Bible uses several metaphors to describe the church, but one that seems to stand out over and over again is "the family of God." We see countless examples of Jesus creating a culture in His church; that went beyond formalities and rituals, to the intimacy found in a home. Which became a place where they could be known, loved, and belonged. He created a family. And as a family, we were made to love each other.

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