Posts in faith
A 2022 To Remember

When it’s all over how do you think you will remember 2022? We can suspect what the coming year will bring, but if we've learned anything over the past few years, none of us really know what’s going to happen. In many ways, we have no control over what will happen in 2022. Yet, there are a few things we can take comfort in to ensure that 2022 will be a year to remember.

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Losing Faith

Have you ever had the things you lean on for support in life kicked out from under you? It happened to David. One by one David lost his support systems, and the courageous shepherd who defeated Goliath was suddenly overwhelmed with fear. How do we overcome seasons of fear like this? How did David?

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Only The Most Holy Are Saved?!

Any builder worth his salt knows that the most important part of any building is the foundation. The strength, stability, and endurance of the building is completely dependent on the foundation. The same is true for our lives. When the storms of life come, the foundation we build our lives upon will determine whether or not we will endure or, one day, collapse.

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Standing In Awe Of God

There’s something about time and familiarity that causes us to become complacent. Over time, if we’re not careful, our worship can become like this. Our fellowship can become like this and our faith can become like this. It can become religious and routine. Let us seek the one who first sought us. Let us love the one who first loved us. Let us recover our awe of Christ.

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