Powerful Women


In this series, we explore some of the most influential women from the Bible, the impact they had on our world, and how their stories contain relevant truths that we can learn from, even today.



Part 5 - “Mary & Martha” | August 16, 2020

People prioritize their choices with different criteria in mind. Some prioritize needs. Other prioritize desires. And others prioritize according to what is expected of them by others. It seems that the thing that would make our prioritizing work a whole lot better, would be a bit of balance.

In the final part of our series, two sisters, Mary and Martha, learn the importance of balancing priorities and the blessing we miss out on when our priorities are misplaced.



Part 4 - “Leah” | August 9. 2020

Love. It's a basic human desire. We want to love, and we need to be loved. Yet, at some point in most of our lives, we have struggled loving someone who would not love us back.

So how does a person continue in a relationship where meaningful love is either absent, or in short supply? The story of Leah teaches us that joy can be found in a love-lacking relationship by changing our focus from what we do not have, to what we do have.



Part 3 - “Abigail” | July 26, 2020

When faced with an abusive situation, how do you handle your abuser? Abuse can come in many forms beyond physical battering. Do you know what the Bible calls someone who brings grief to their families and themselves by wicked behavior...a fool.

Abigail's courage shows us that the damage done by a fool can be stemmed by the wise acts of a godly woman.



Part 2 - “Woman Of Zarephath” | July 19, 2020

Sometimes God asks you to put yourself in a seemingly deeper hole than you were already in and you may find yourself asking, “Where is God in this whole thing anyway? Now that I’m here, what does he want me to do?”

In Part 2 of Powerful Women, the unnamed woman of Zarephath shows us that to see God’s faithfulness, sometimes we need to step out, and sometimes we need to sit back and wait.



Part 1 - “Eve” | July 12, 2020

What do you do when you realize that a seemingly small decision has had a major negative impact? What’s left when our terrible decision has led to terrible consequences?

Eve made a terrible decision, that led to terrible consequences for the whole world. Yet, there's more to her story. The story of Eve shows us how God wants to use women as agents of change for all generations.

Matt Carpenter