Better Together


We believe that life was never meant to be lived alone, and that we can never reach our full potential in Christ apart from one another. True change happens when we are living life together in a community where we grow closer to Jesus, by growing closer to each other. A grace filled gathering that accepts us where we are and yet is not content with us staying there. We believe this happens best in life groups.

Throughout this series, we will be looking at the four commitments that God uses within a group, to radically change us. So that His kingdom will be expanded both in our lives and in the world around us.



Part 4 - A Commitment To Multiply

Helping people come to, and grow, in a saving knowledge of Christ, is at the heart of what we do as a church. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus that love God, love people and serve the world. It serves not only as a statement of what we’re all about, but also models the natural progression of growth.

The gospel is too good to keep to ourselves. It welcomes anyone who wants to come in, and runs after those who feel left out. As much as we want close communities here at the Crossing, we can’t have closed communities. There comes a point for a group to truly be discipling one another and others, that it needs to multiply for the sake of reaching more people for Christ.


Part 3 - A Commitment To Serve

And as the body of Christ, we were made to serve each other. Serving is the glue that holds us together, when life tries to pull us apart. The true aim of service is: pointing people to Christ in the midst of their pain and struggles. But how do broken people help broken people? In Part 3 of Better Together, Pastor Peter examines our Commitment To Serve each other within a Life Group.


Part 2- A Commitment To Love

The Bible uses several metaphors to describe the church, but one that seems to stand out over and over again is "the family of God." We see countless examples of Jesus creating a culture in His church; that went beyond formalities and rituals, to the intimacy found in a home. Which became a place where they could be known, loved, and belonged. He created a family. And as a family, we were made to love each other.


Part 1 - A Commitment To Grow

Who is holding you up in your faith, and who are you encouraging in theirs? We believe that God never intended life to be lived alone. We were created for community. Jesus invites us to a changed life and to seek truth. This happens best when we're in relationship with others where we grow closer to Jesus, by growing closer to each other.

Matt Carpenter