Spend the Morning in God’s Word
We are beginning the new year with three classes for adult Sunday School. The classes will run for 5 weeks, take a short break, and then continue with four more weeks.. Childcare will be available.
1-Experiencing God with Pastor Tim Chicola and Dave Harris-This updated course by Henry Blackaby is designed to help all who desire to go beyond know facts about God to truly knowing Him. God is inviting you into an intimate relationship with Him so you may know Him and understand His will for your life and join Him in what He is doing. Elements of this course include home study, classroom lecture and group discussion.
2-Moving Mountains with Bob Dumas- Author John Eldridge’s book, “Moving Mountains, Praying with Passion, Confidence and Authority”, states, “everyone has a reason to pray”. We long to see God come through for us and those we love. But sometimes, He doesn’t, and where does that leave us? Are we doing something wrong? Does He not hear? How come some people’s prayers are more effective than others? Then we lose heart and give up on prayer…the very weapon God has given us to NOT lose heart. Jesus wants His disciples to know how prayer works, and how God works in the world, and how our prayers can make a difference.
3-The Gospel of Mark with George Hillman-This expositional study through Mark’s Gospel is designed to highlight its theme of Jesus being the Son of God, our means to salvation and its evangelical focus. Written to Gentiles in first century Rome, Mark presents a curated accounting of Jesus’ words and deeds with much purpose and passion. There will also be discussions of Mark’s own life story which is highly encouraging-especially for those who may not believe that God can and will us them. Join us as we study through the inspired work of a man immortalized in the Bible but was once called unprofitable.