Spend the Morning in God’s Word
This fall we are offering three new options for adult Sunday School. The classes will run for 5 weeks, break for a few weeks, and then continue November 12th. Childcare will be available.
1-Knowing Scripture: How to study and understand the Scriptures with Jim Logothetis-Christians need some basic guidance on how to interpret the Bible and develop skills for personal study. Just a few principles will go a long way toward helping the believer understand the Scriptures. Through this course you will learn how to approach difficult passages, how to find the true meaning of each verse, and how to place each passage in its proper context. This series is sure to be helpful to all who seek to know God’s revelation better.
2-Adorned: Living out the Beauty of the Gospel with Lee Nearpass- A rich study of the instructions to women in Titus 2 which provides a roadmap to help us experience the kind of community and influence God designed us to have in the church and world. Woman to woman…older to younger….side by side…life on life. This is God’s beautiful plan. Living out the Beauty of the Gospel. All women are invited! We will be listening to and loving God’s Word speaking to us as women and moving us to marvel at the goodness and grace of God. This is a book/video (by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth) study each week, with lots of interaction, fun, and joy in the Lord!
3-The History of the Faith with Dency Rivera-As believers we are to know and understand our faith and the doctrines that constitute The Faith that was “once and for ever delivered”. As RC Sproul would say, ours is never a choice between not knowing doctrine or knowing doctrine, but rather do we have sound doctrine or false doctrine. The aim of this course is to give believers a historical look at the development of doctrine and the Biblical basis for why we believe what we believe.