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Adult Sunday School Classes -Spring Term B

Spend the Morning in God’s Word

Starting Sunday, May 28th, TCC will be offering three new options for adult Sunday School. These classes will run for 5 weeks. Childcare will be available.

1-Love and Order: Organized Believers with Doug Nearpass-This course is an overall look at the New Testament as the second half of a love story, established and told in the Old Testament. How is faith in the New Testament different from faith in the Old Testament? How do the two sections of the Bible fit together? Come and “connect-the-dots” through interactive and hands-on methods of understanding and studying God’s Word.

2-Now that you’re a Member with Jim and Amy Boydston-JOIN NOW! You probably have a membership to say Costco for example, but why not your local church? This class focuses on the importance of church membership, the positive impact it can have on your life and the furthering of Christ’s Kingdom.

3-Developing a Servant’s Heart with Fernando Rodriguez and Bob Dumas-Serving is the heart of the Gospel. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit all gave everything to us without reserve. As followers of Christ, we’re called to have the same heart. But how do we do that in the 21st century? And how do we maintain it? Developing a Servant’s Heart by Charles Stanley will help us answer those questions and live the life Christ died to give us.

Earlier Event: June 17
Women's Bible Study
Later Event: June 21
Prayer Meeting