Spend the Morning in God’s Word
Join us for our Spring Sunday School classes. Childcare will be available. Breakfast starts at 8:45 AM.
1-The History of the Faith-Part II with Dency Rivera-The aim of this course is to give believers a historical look at the development of doctrine and the Biblical basis for why we believe what we believe. In the first part of the class, we went through the first three centuries and did-Justification by Faith, Gnosticism, The Bible, Trinity and the Person of Christ. In this portion, we are entering the fourth century and so for the next five weeks we will delve into the Augustinian and Pelagianism controversy. We will go over the controversy and cover two main doctrines and one side issue. The topics are as follows: Augustinian vs Pelagianism controversy, the Sovereignty of God, the Existence of Evil, Free Will and Total Depravity.
2-The Promised Land with Jim Logothetis- This class is the first volume of a unique video series filmed on location in Israel called "That the World May Know". By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers. The Promised Land lessons provide a wonderful context to the Old Testament characters and their stories. Lessons include: Standing at the Crossroads-Tel Gezer, Wet Feet-Jordan River, First Fruits-Tel Jericho, Confronting Evil-Tel Beth Shemesh, and Iron of Culture-Tel Azekah.
3-Developing a Servant’s Heart with Fernando Rodriguez and the Deacons- Serving is the heart of the Gospel. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit all gave everything to us without reserve. As followers of Christ, we’re called to have the same heart. But how do we do that in the 21st century? And how do we maintain it? Developing a Servant’s Heart by Charles Stanley will help us answer those questions and live the life Christ died to give us.