COVID Policy Update

May 27, 2021

Based on the Executive Order 242 by Governor Murphy lifting mask and social distancing requirements, The Elder Board of the Crossing Church would like to announce that masks and social distancing will be optional for all future activities beginning Friday, May 28th.   

There will be a designated section in the balcony for our Sunday morning services for those who wish to sit with other who are masked, although if you are wearing a mask you are welcomed to sit anywhere. Based on CDC recommendations, if you have not been vaccinated please consider continuing to wear a mask. 

We will also be continuing the CDC guidance on ventilation in our sanctuary.  Our desire has always been to do what we prayerfully thought was best for our congregation amidst all the challenging concerns that we were faced with.  

We ask everyone at The Crossing to please continue to love and respect each other as you have done through this very difficult season, remembering that individual decisions on whether to discard or continue mask wearing is based on personal convictions, concerns, and distinct health situations. 

We will continue to provide the colored armbands as we ease towards normalization in all our gatherings.  

Thanks to all of you! 

The Elders